APEX Experience Nominated for Three min Awards


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    It was about a year ago that APEX Experience was short-listed for the min Editorial and Design Award for Most Improved Publication. Now, with less than two annual editorial cycles under its belt (that saw the installation of a brand new editorial team and a redesign of the magazine) APEX Media is back, winning nominations in three categories of the 2015 min Awards for best B2B Cover Design, Series and Technical Article.

    B2B Cover Design: The Technology Issue

    In an industry where technology plays such a key role, APEX Experience‘s art and editorial teams knew the cover for The Technology Issue had to be bold and electric. “We wanted it to have a techy look,” explains art director, Nicolas Venturelli, “but we also wanted to include the concept of a connection, and linking different places, to tie the aerospace industry in.”

    Without a doubt, the most important topic relating to technology in the industry is in-flight connectivity. “The risk with visually interpreting a theme is falling into clichéd images,” says deputy editor, Katie Sehl. “But ultimately, the abstract style and approach to the cover conveys connectivity with originality and sophistication.”

    Illustration by María Corte.

     Series: Travelogue

    Featured in every issue, the Travelogue presents a first-person account of an airline passenger experience to offer balanced perspectives. Some of this year’s stories came from Paul Sillers who sounded off on the auricular landscape of commercial aviation; Jakub Stachurski who led a tour on culinary cultures; and Jordan Yerman who was our backstage pass into an international trade show on the most buzzed-about technologies.

    Technical Article: Ahead by a Century” by Katie Sehl

    APEX Experience‘s deputy editor, Katie Sehl flew to Honeywell’s headquarters and testbed in Phoenix, Arizona to dive into the company’s more than hundred-year history in aeronautical engineering – before the first computers hummed on Earth. The feature touches on the implications of the first fully integrated modular avionic system for air transport, “a revolutionary concept” capable of delivering an aircraft’s position, compute and fly fully 3-D flight trajectories and provide the most fuel-efficient route possible – advances in aviation that are often taken for granted today.

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