These principles of professional conduct are a guide for members of the Airline Passenger Experience Association
(APEX) in their relationships with clients and other members of this association. A condition of membership within the
Association involves a willingness to be guided by the statements that constitute this present Code of Ethics or any
subsequent revisions. These ethical guidelines shall be made public so that their tenets may be shared, reacted to and
evaluated by all persons associated with APEX.
- We, as members of APEX, will be guided in all of our activities by truth, accuracy of information, fairness and with the highest integrity.
- We will provide quality products and quality professional services.
- We shall not use our membership in the Association or official positions within the Association in any manner that would suggest the seeking of unwarranted financial gain or unwarranted benefits, advantages or privileges for ourselves.
- We accept this Code of Ethics as a condition of membership in this Association. As professionals, we share the responsibility for the impact of our activities with all sectors served by the industry.
- We signify our agreement by membership in this Association that standards must be maintained that are acceptable to ALL segments of the industry, from the suppliers to users of the products and services provided.
- Additionally, we pledge to maintain the following standards.
- Members shall comply in spirit as well as to the letter of all applicable local, state, provincial and federal law, including laws providing for safe and enjoyable air travel by persons with disabilities.
- Members shall act according to the highest standards set forth in the APEX Code of Ethics.
- Members shall represent themselves clearly and accurately to entities within airline passenger experience industry.
- Members shall not engage in unfair or deceptive business practices.
- Members shall provide services and products as promised.
- Members will respect the rights of owners of intellectual property including, but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, patents, mask works and trade secrets.
- Members shall at all times protect the privacy of individuals, including the personally identifiable information compiled in customer and stakeholder databases.
- APEX members should be mindful of the needs of disabled passengers in the design, architecture and implementation of passenger experience products and services.