APEX/IFSA Board of Governors green-lights sustainable supplier programme
APEX/IFSA’s Board of Governors voted today in Long Beach, California, to implement the first ever APEX/IFSA sustainable supplier programme.

The resolution presented by APEX Executive Director Lauren Costello, read as follows:
“APEX shall implement an APEX green programme open to all APEX/IFSA supplier members seeking to validate the sustainability lifecycle of their products for the benefit of airlines
“To maximize sustainability efficiency across our industry and to minimize cost, member airlines will share sustainable supplier products that are approved through their procurement process. APEX shall update this green supplier information regularly to all member airlines
“In addition, the APEX Green Governance Board shall convene all airlines in quarterly review meetings to continuously advance sustainability standards.”
Different board members spoke strongly for the motion as follows
“We continue to have an in-depth dialogue with multiple vendors as we look to accelerate the introduction of electric hybrid, green hydrogen and electric aircraft across our fleet along with sustainable aviation fuel for long haul. We know that we will need all the innovators and entrepreneurs we can get as we head down this quest.”
Greg Foran, CEO Air New Zealand
“For us, green projects as an island country are very important. We are extremely threatened as a country and having suppliers that focus on green projects and green sustainability is very important.”
André Viljoen, CEO Fiji Airways
“For some time now Star Alliance as an organization and with our members has been working to drive the agenda of responsible sourcing. That includes looking to see how our partners can also adopt principles of sustainability through the supply chain”
Jeffrey Goh, CEO, Star Alliance
“This is a journey that we have commenced and it is a journey that will continue, and the area that we have picked is waste reduction and recycling. With our passion to protect our pristine environment, sustainability is a journey we have embarked on, and a journey that is endless.”
Shaenaz Voss, CEO, Fiji Link
“The whole strategy behind Connect Airlines is to reduce the carbon footprint of the airline industry and our aim is to be the first zero emission airline in the US by 2025/2026, along with Universal Hydrogen.”
John Thomas, CEO, Connect Airlines
“We have a very aggressive sustainability action plan. In everything we are doing sustainability remains at the forefront, and we believe that collaborating with suppliers is a very important aspect of this”
Justin Erbacci, CEO, Los Angeles World Airports (who cast the first ever airport CEO vote at an APEX/IFSA board of governors meeting)
We’ll be sharing more details about this important announcement over the coming days and weeks.