APEX Announces Exclusive Partnership with PCIAW at Global EXPO

An exclusive new partnership between the Professional Clothing Industry Association Worldwide (PCIAW) and the Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) will see the inclusion of a professional clothing pavilion at APEX / IFSA Global EXPO, which is taking place from October 28-30 in Long Beach, California.
The partnership will offer attendees at the APEX / IFSA Global EXPO, which is co-located with Future Travel Experience’s FTE Global event, the opportunity to learn about innovations in the professional clothing supply chain for the first time.
PCIAW’s Founder and CEO Yvette Ashby commented, “This project has been years in the making. In 2018, I personally flew to Canada to consult with several of the major airlines following some specific challenges that they were facing in their uniform programs. Since then, PCIAW has been working to offer education and advice to all our airline buyer members and uniform suppliers on best practice and innovation.
“Now, thanks to this exclusive partnership between PCIAW and APEX / IFSA Global EXPO, we can work together to support the global airline industry to achieve a more sustainable, comfortable, and protective professional clothing program.”
“This collaboration embodies our relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence across all facets of airline passenger experience.”
Dr. Joe Leader, APEX
The clothing on show at the event will encompass cabin crew uniforms, branded t-shirts, hi-vis PPE and uniforms incorporating flame-resistant and electric arc textiles. Information will be available regarding performance fabrics, sizing technologies, sustainable textile innovations and more.
Ashby explained, “Our pavilion will showcase fabrics that are fully recyclable in a circular economy, use no water in the dyeing process, are certified to shed zero microfibres and create a saving of 30 tons of CO2 per ton of fabric compared to conventional fabrics.”
“The soft touch fabrics we will have at the event are anti-microbial and tested to last for 300 washes: the non-absorbency of the textile means contaminants such as jet fuels will easily wash off, perfect for ground crew,” she continued.
Air Canada’s Uniform Program Manager Nisha Muire commented, “Uniforms are an essential part of the airline industry, for brand recognition and also for security. Showcasing professional clothing at the APEX / IFSA Global EXPO takes the exhibition to the next level, giving us greater line of sight to the innovations taking place in professional textiles and addressing the challenges we face. It also provides an important one-stop-shop for sourcing within the airline industry. I’ve learned a lot from being involved in the Uniform Buyers’ Network with PCIAW.”
APEX CEO Dr. Joe Leader concluded, “This collaboration embodies our relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence across all facets of airline passenger experience.”
To read the official press release, click here.