VIDEO: Meet the Man Who’s Flown More Than 15 Million Miles


Fred Finn
Image via Fred Finn

APEX Insight: APEX introduces the first episode in a new video interview series called APEX Insider. Each month, a thought leader in PaxEx and airline business will provide insight on topics relevant to APEX members and the industry at large.

Fred Finn holds the Guinness World Record title for the most air miles flown by a passenger. He’s crossed the Atlantic over 2000 times, and flew on the Concorde 718 times,making him the passenger who flew that legendary aircraft more than any other.

This man of the skies joined APEX Media in London recently for a chat with APEX Media director Maryann Simson about the glory of Concorde, the new meaning of premium travel and the evolution of the passenger experience, for better or for worse.

In future APEX Insider episodes, you’ll meet a variety of aviation experts and we will dive deeper into specific themes relating to the passenger experience, like in-flight entertainment and the connected aircraft, cabin design and component manufacturing, accessibility, digital services, catering and a whole lot more.

APEX insider is made possible by the support of Global Eagle.