Dr. Joe Leader Chief Executive Officer leader@apex.aero Lauren Costello Executive Director lcostello@apex.aero Molly Alton Mullins Chief Strategic Officer mmullins@apex.aero Robin Applebaum Strategic Communications Director rapplebaum@apex.aero Kim Chhabria Membership, Marketing & Sales Director kchhabria@apex.aero Emily Dyer Fecas Exhibits Manager edyerfecas@apex.aero Michelle Hall Membership Services Coordinator mhall@apex.aero Sean Hewitt Director of Meetings shewitt@apex.aero Emily Hornung Sales Coordinator ehornung@apex.aero Angie Jaramillo Marketing & Communications Manager ajaramillo@apex.aero Mark McKenna Membership Manager mmckenna@apex.aero Kevin Mendoza Manager, Strategic Communications KMendoza@apex.aero Steve O’Connor Commercial Director steve@apex.aero Katie Murphy Chief Operating Officer kmurphy@apex.aero Adam Robertson Marketing & Communications Senior Manager ARobertson@apex.aero Antonio Penim Airline Engagement Director apenim@apex.aero Stephanie Taylor Insights Editor staylor@uk.apex.aero Courtney Truelove General Manager ctruelove@apex.aero
Dr. Joe Leader Chief Executive Officer leader@apex.aero Lauren Costello Executive Director lcostello@apex.aero Molly Alton Mullins Chief Strategic Officer mmullins@apex.aero Robin Applebaum Strategic Communications Director rapplebaum@apex.aero Kim Chhabria Membership, Marketing & Sales Director kchhabria@apex.aero Emily Dyer Fecas Exhibits Manager edyerfecas@apex.aero Michelle Hall Membership Services Coordinator mhall@apex.aero Sean Hewitt Director of Meetings shewitt@apex.aero Emily Hornung Sales Coordinator ehornung@apex.aero Angie Jaramillo Marketing & Communications Manager ajaramillo@apex.aero Mark McKenna Membership Manager mmckenna@apex.aero Kevin Mendoza Manager, Strategic Communications KMendoza@apex.aero Steve O’Connor Commercial Director steve@apex.aero Katie Murphy Chief Operating Officer kmurphy@apex.aero Adam Robertson Marketing & Communications Senior Manager ARobertson@apex.aero Antonio Penim Airline Engagement Director apenim@apex.aero Stephanie Taylor Insights Editor staylor@uk.apex.aero Courtney Truelove General Manager ctruelove@apex.aero